35 Workshops
and Masterclasses
May 2021

This event brought to you by Tamebay has already taken place. Our next event takes place in January 2022

Andrew Rowson

Head of Services, E-Motive Online

Mark Granshaw

Product Marketing Manager, eBay

Martyn Noble

CEO, Hurricane Commerce


Helen Parker

Managing Director
The Supplier Central

Andrew Rowson

Head of Services, ecommotors and CEO, E-Motive Online

Claire Milligan

UK Account Manager

Sreenath K. Reddy


Tony Kyberd

Head of Platforms, ecommotors and CEO, Volo Commerce

Izabela Catiru

Manager, Digital Marketing Client Services EMEA

James Hayes

Director of Business Development
Parcelhub - part of the Whistl Group

Joe Williams

Senior Manager, Brand Solutions

The Week

Presented by


Mon 17th May

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Tue 18th May

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Wed 19th May

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Thu 20th May

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Fri 21st May

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9:45 am - 9:55 am Welcome

Chris Dawson

Welcome and Introduction with Chris Dawson

Presented by
9:55 am - 10:00 am

Martyn Noble and Bram Buijs

Live Introduction from the Day Sponsor

Presented by

Martyn Noble and Bram Buijs

10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Helen Parker

Make money selling online: How and where to source stock that will work for you

Presented by

There are many ways to sell online, but what will make the biggest difference to whether your business is a success or failure? How and where you source your goods. We will walk you through the vast and complex world of product sourcing – from buying shiny in bulk from a manufacturer, through the touch free world of dropshipping, to carton purchases in the grey market. We will make sure you leave with an idea of where to go for next steps, and a full understanding of how your choices at source can impact the success and growth of your business.

  • Merchants
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Richard McGuinness

How to build brand equity without owning the customer relationship

Presented by

The acceleration of eCommerce has given opportunities to many brands, both big and small, no more so than in the marketplace arena. But the question is how do smaller businesses build brand equity when the customer relationship stays firmly within the marketplace’s grasp? Richard will discuss 3 key strategies for how merchants and retailers can attract sales by building tangible brand equity without owning the customer relationship, and gives a sneaky insight into some of the top eCommerce predictions for the near future.

  • Retailers & Brands
9:45 am - 9:50 am Welcome

Chris Dawson

Welcome and Introduction with Chris Dawson and ecommotors powered by E-Motive and Volo Co-host

Presented by

Further details to be announced closer to the time of the event

9:55 am - 10:00 am

Andrew Rowson

Live Introduction from the Day Sponsor

10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Izabela Catiru

Stay Ahead in 2021: The Secrets to Effectively Advertise on Amazon and eBay

Presented by

• What are the blind-spots and how to “manage” them
• Common ad spend wasters and how to prevent them
• Advanced tips to successfully advertise on Amazon and eBay
• How to safely expand your investment for the best return
• Harness advertising data to optimise listing organic performance”

  • Retailers & Brands
10:00 am - 10:50 am Panel Discussion

Andrew Rowson (ecommotors), Ilker Beyaz (Insuppa Parts), Alex Huntley (Onbuy), Scott Bagnall (Volo Commerce)

How data and marketplace search work

Presented by

This panel discussion, led by Andrew Rowson, will explore why data is the foundation for embracing the customer journey, what the main marketplaces require, the tools at your disposal to optimise marketplaces search and what you should be doing next.

  • Merchants
9:30 am - 10:00 am Welcome

Chris Dawson

Welcome and Introduction with Chris Dawson and ecommotors powered by E-Motive and Volo Co-host

9:55 am - 10:00 am

Andrew Rowson

Live Introduction from the Day Sponsor

10:00 am - 10:50 am Interview

Chris Dawson & Andrew Rowson

Are you in control of your brand on marketplaces?

Presented by

In this interview Chris Dawson of Tamebay and Andrew Rowson of ecommotors and E-Motive discuss what brand control really means, how it works on the key marketplaces, the benefits that follow and how to make it happen for your business.

  • Retailers & Brands
10:00 am - 10:50 am

Berengere Chaintreau-Fuchs

eBay’s new marketing & Data tools – Coded Coupons

Presented by

Coded coupons for your shop are coming on eBay this Spring. We’ll present the new tool and how you can use it to drive buyers back to your listings to build repeat customers and your online brand. Q&A welcome at the end.

  • Merchants
9:30 am - 10:00 am Welcome

Chris Dawson

Welcome and Introduction with Chris Dawson and GFS Co-host

10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Bobbie Ttooulis (GFS), Natashia Redfern (Linex), Guy Cliffe (UKP Worldwide), Rosalind Hunt (Hermes UK), Thomas Martin (DHL)

Best-Practice Delivery Around the World from the Experts

Presented by

Getting delivery right for international customers is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. GFS are experts in UK and International delivery and have brought together some of their carrier partners to give expert insights into the customer delivery preferences and nuances of key markets. Join this masterclass to understand what it takes to have a winning delivery strategy for each of the core e-commerce regions – USA, Europe, Far East and Asia and, UK.

Join this masterclass to get first-hand delivery expertise and consumer insights across these regions from GFS and their carrier partners:

• Hermes – Rosalind Hunt, Director of E-Commerce
• UKP Worldwide – Guy Cliffe, Managing Director
• Linex Solutions – Natashia L. Redfern, Managing Director
• DHL – Thomas Martin, Vice President of Sales

  • Merchants
10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Lara Jelowicki and Desiree Wong

How to reach and retain profitability selling on Tmall Global

Presented by

Already on Tmall Global and not seeing the success you were promised? Thinking about launching and want to understand what’s required? Join Pattern’s session that will explain both the strategy and tactics you’ll need to employ to build a healthy P&L for your Tmall Global business.

Pattern is a China Trade Partner for brands including Skechers and Thorne. We’ll share real data and insights into how we get results for the brands we partner with, including case studies on Tmall Global launch campaigns, off-platform demand generation techniques, the impact of Livestreaming and Tmall’s social selling platform Weitao, KOLs and other demand-generating partnerships, building a pricing and promotions strategy to maximise your 11.11 sales.

We’ll explain the full costs of trading on Tmall Global, marketing spend and channels required to build your customer base, and how to work with your Trade Partner to take a data-driven approach to trading.

  • Retailers & Brands
11:05 am - 11:55 am

Jesse Wragg

Item specifics, attributes, browse nodes & product types: understanding marketplace requirements to easily diversify your business and how to use them to your advantage

Presented by

Marketplaces, domestic and international, each have their own requirements. These requirements change so often that it can be daunting to sellers, regardless of the amount of experience they have.
In this session, you will learn how to understand what it is that marketplaces actually want from you, why you should provide as much information as possible about your products, and how to do this in an efficient way when selling on multiple marketplaces

  • Merchants
9:45 am - 9:50 am Welcome

Chris Dawson

Welcome and Introduction with Chris Dawson

9:55 am - 10:00 am

Andrew Norman

Live Introduction from the Day Sponsor

10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Daniela Jurado Jabba

Marketplaces: the definitive roadmap for deploying the next generation of ecommerce

Presented by

Organizations must evolve their business models toward ecosystem synergies and network effects to effectively compete in digitally-centric markets.
In this session, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the key items to address as you plan and launch your online marketplace; how to make the most of your marketplace launch; and how to position your marketplace for ongoing success.

  • Retailers & Brands
10:00 am - 10:50 am Masterclass

Callum Campbell, Cas Paton and Nadia Barmada

Where to next for marketplaces? How a Total Commerce approach can take your business to the next level.

Presented by

Linnworks CEO, Callum Campbell, Cas Paton, CEO OnBuy.com and Nadia Barmada, Content & Growth, Strategist, Linnworks give an overview of the future of marketplaces and why a Total Commerce approach to ecommerce will drive success, sales growth and help you scale up and capture more revenue opportunities in the new, effortless economy.

  • Merchants


Tamebay is the leading provider of intelligence & news for all businesses and business people who ply their trade on online marketplaces, whether they are experienced powersellers looking to boost sales, or beginners seeking advice and best practice.

Tamebay was originally set up to provide eBay users with the tools to tame a seemingly impenetrable marketplace (hence the name). The site has since developed to cater to merchants and businesses operating across any or all of the major online marketplaces, helping them to sell more and sell better. From articles to ebooks, from webinars to events, Tamebay is the go-to resource if you’re looking for information to help your business flourish.


Register now for over 25 hours of free learning and training opportunities that will turbo charge your marketplace business